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Best Buys Computer Repair

Best Buys Computer Repair

Box Store or local computer professional?

The "Box Store" experience is something that I will never forget.  It's that moment when I first stepped into a Best Buy store and saw all of the amazing selection and pricing on the computer accessories and hardwae.  Hardware can be purchased at a number of places.  Yes, the identical hardware, such as an Apple Airport Extreme router. But does that mean that all computers are created equal or that the process to get that computer repaired  is the same?

This is where the local computer store has tremendous benefit for the consumer and small business.  A properly trained computer professional at a local computer shop will have a different level of expertise than a Geek Squad employee.  Does that mean that the Geek Squad does not have value or that they don't know computers, absolutely not.

The key is using the proper tool for the job.  My dad was a big propponent of this wisdom.  If I got caught using pliers to tighten a 1/2" nut it was likely to lead to a disciplinary action.  Why?  Because it was possible to make matters worse rather than bringing a solution.  Can I tighten a 1/2" nut with pliers, yes!  But that often leads to creating more problems.

At Alpine Computer Solutions, we have been working with QuikBooks for over 15 years.  Does that give us an advantage with setting up your computer correctly for sharing QuickBooks on the local network?  Yes!  We also have had customers bringing in their broken computers since the days of DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1.  Does that help us to know the reason why computers act a certain way today?  Absolutely!  This is our 9th year in business and that experience pays off.

Oh and have you ever been in the line to the Geek Squad?  Our lines and availability of personal attention will help you to make a different choice.

Come by today to see the level of care and support you get at our local computer repair shop.  You will be a customer for life!

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